1. How to respond: Contact Kara in the office during office hours. Monday-Thursday 8am-4pm if you would like to provide a needed item/service.
2. When you respond, you will be provided with the family's phone number and address if the request is a physical need and you will set up a time to give them the items.
3. How to connect: be a representative of Christ in your actions and words. We are broken people helping broken people. There is always more to the story, don't go in with a preconceived notion. Pray before, during and after. Ask to pray with the family and if they have any prayer requests.
4. Follow up: Check back in with the family - follow up on prayer requests or something they shared with you, invite them to an event you're attending, offer to take the parents to coffee or join the family at a local park.
*See below for current needs in our area