

Carry one another's burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 

Gal. 6:2

Prayer Request

If you have a prayer request, please use the form below! You can choose if you would like your request to stay private or be added to our public list, which is seen below.

Below are prayer requests that have been submitted by our congregants. Please pray for these people (and click the "hands" so they know that someone did)!


I have been dealing with Low Energy. Labs have been done. Was dealing with Low sodium and Vitamin D-3 levels. Dr. took me off one medication and put me on a new BP med. Please pray my BP stabilizes. I have been dealing with this for 6 weeks. Praying to get healthy again. Thank you, Lindsay


I finally see my neurologist on the 13th. I’ll be having another brain scan done soon to investigate my concerning neurological symptoms which suggest multiple sclerosis. Thank you for your prayers!


Please pray for miracle healing of my cancer.


My 37 year old cousin was diagnosed with testicular cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes in his abdomen. He is having surgery on January 24. Please pray for him.


Please pray for my neurological health. By Gods Grace, my symptoms have diminished over time, but I had to stop working in October due to central nervous system problems. I see a neurologist in February. Thank you so much!